
Vesta's Words
As a fervent practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga, I was very worried on how long it would take before I would be able to fully recover my practice.
Gravity and wrinkles are fine with me. They're a small price to pay for the new wisdom inside my head and my heart.
Drew Barrymore
American actress, talk show host and author
When you’re young, there’s so much now that you can’t take it in. It’s pouring over you like awaterfall. When you’re older, it’s less intense, but you’re able to reach out and drink it. I love being older.
Sigourney Weaver
I see menopause as the start of the next fabulous phase of life as a woman. Now is a time to ‘tune in’ to our bodies and embrace this new chapter. If anything, I feel more myself and love my body more now, at 58 years old, than ever before.
Kim Cattrall
All of a sudden I don’t mind saying to people, ‘You know what? Get out of my life. You’re not right for me.’ It’s wonderful and liberating.
Whoopi Goldberg
TV personality
If you deal with it in a healthy fashion then I think you come out the other side a better person. I’ve got so much more energy now than I ever had in my early 50s before the menopause.
Julie Walters
The very best way that you can help yourself is to develop and sustain a positive attitude. The way you think and feel about everything will make all the difference to your experience.
Caroline Carr
Author of Menopause: The Guide for Real Women
Menopause. A pause while you reconsider men.
Margaret Atwood
A study says owning a dog makes you 10 years younger. My first thought was to rescue two more, but I don’t want to go through menopause again.
Joan Rivers
Comedian actress
Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it.
Hillary Clinton
American Politician
Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.
Kate Winslet
I think our bodies are beautiful, and I think celebrating them and being comfortable in them—no matter what age you are—is important. There shouldn’t be any kind of shame or discomfort around it.
Jennifer Aniston
I don't think of getting older as looking better or worse; it's just different. You change, and that's okay.
Heidi Klum
German-American Model TV Host
For you, it's a joke, but think about it for me, everything is going south. Menopause is one of themost significant things that happens to women. As someone who is in that phase, it is very frightening, because everything is basically out of your control.
Shweta Bachchan Nanda
Indian columnist author, on her daughter Navya Naveli's podcast
The anticipation of a problem creates bigger problems than it really is. One has to adapt to alifestyle change to remain in the best of health. What works for one in their 30s or 40s cannot workin your 50s. You need to understand what you are getting into and make those small changes. One can have methi to regulate hormones. Zinc too. Start exercising, limit your alcohol intake if you drink and get into bed earlier.
Indian Producer Actress
I didn't know what peri menopause was, I thought after a certain age we go through pre menopause up to 10 years before menopause? But did you know you could go through perimenopause up to 10 years before menopause ? It's like the body is getting ready for menopause?
Shamitha Shetty
Indian Actress
Menopause is considered as a “problem” rather than something normal every women experience.There’s a very important message behind it because what we’re saying here is that there are noexpiration dates for women.
Salma Hayek
Mexican American Actress Producer
I have a very healthy baseline, and also, well, I was experiencing hormone shifts because of infertility, having to take shots and all that,” Obama explained. “I experienced the night sweats, even in my 30s, and when you think of the other symptoms that come along, just hot flashes, I mean, I had a few before I started taking hormones.
Michelle Obama
American Attorney Author
Menopause is like autumn leaves falling; it's a natural shedding of the old to make way for the new.
Patricia Akins
Gravity and wrinkles are fine with me. They're a small price to pay for the new wisdom inside my head and my heart.
Drew Barrymore
American actress, talk show host and author
When you’re young, there’s so much now that you can’t take it in. It’s pouring over you like awaterfall. When you’re older, it’s less intense, but you’re able to reach out and drink it. I love being older.
Sigourney Weaver